Pull-up progression
Pull-ups can be one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises you can do! It is a compound movement that builds strength in the back, biceps, forearms, grip and a beautiful V-taper.

Pull-ups can be one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises you can do! It is a compound movement that builds strength in the back, biceps, forearms, grip and a beautiful V-taper.
Sand, surf and sweat! Blast fat and build muscle at the beach!
Traveling provides a break from traditional gym workouts. The beautiful beaches in Tulum, Mexico are the perfect setting for a beach workout. It’s a Fit Chick’s Paradise!
This full-body circuit combines explosive plyometric movements that work the legs, fire-up the metabolism and mat exercises to challenge the upper body and core.
My goal for this beach workout: short bursts of high intensity movements, followed by 30-60 seconds of recovery for two rounds.
Sand provides an unstable surface to push off, so it really cranks up the intensity! Doing these exercises barefoot in the sand will also work the smaller intrinsic muscles of the feet. If you’re not accustomed to exercising barefoot, you may want to start a bit more conservative on the jumping movements until your feet get more accustomed to the sand.
This workout is quick! After all, if you’re on vacation, you have other things on your agenda; enjoying some amazing food, relaxing on the beach or visiting the local ruins!
FITastic travels, Friends! xoxo
Special thanks to Hotelito Azul for the beautiful accommodations and hospitality!
As a professional physique competitor and trainer, I rely on resistance training to build and shape my clients’ physiques. I use the TRX suspension trainer often as a warmup and/or finisher. During our Quarantine time, I’ve used my suspension trainer more often than usual in my workouts. This upper body and core workout was really challenging! I did 3-4 sets of each exercise with rep ranges varying from 8-12.
Building width and depth in my back is a priority in my training. I started with pulls in a variety of angles to target different areas of my back.
Next, I moved to pushing movements and arms
Finally, these core exercises required not only core stabilization but shoulders and arms as well!
I bought my TRX Suspension Trainer at https://store.trxtraining.com/products/trx-home-gym/
There are many tools that help you do efficient and effective workouts from anywhere! Creating programs that set my clients up for success is my priority. Home workouts are the no-excuses way to stay active in the convenience of your own home.
Stay healthy, Friends!
In a hurry, no need to worry! We’ve got your glutes covered with this minimal equipment glute workout.
Lateral steps with hip circle just above knees – 30 alternating
Single leg glute bridge – 15 each leg
Squats – 15
Reverse lunge – 15 each leg
Hip bridge with hip circle – 15
Abduction with band – 15
Repeat circuit 3-4 times or until your glutes feel the burn!
For more information on workouts you can do anywhere with no gym required, contact me! These workouts are delivered to you through my easy to use app!
Preparing for a physique competition can be one of the most exciting times of your life. After months of disciplined eating, workouts and posing practice, getting on stage is a celebration! The sweat and sacrifice is hard and that’s what makes it GREAT! The thrill and personal accomplishment that accompanies knowing that YOU did the work to get to that moment is something that no one can take away from you, regardless of how you placed.
In my years in the industry and competitive world, I’ve learned a few things to consider before committing to competition prep.
It is my goal make your transformation a fantastic and rewarding experience! Feel free to email me with questions about preparing for your first show at vicki@vickidiazfitness.com.
I recently celebrated another birthday! As I reflect on memories, accomplishments and future goals, the concept of “aging” has been on my mind. What does “act your age” even mean? There are days when I wake up and think, “I’m getting older and aches and pains are part of that.” Or, one I heard about seven years ago right before my 40th birthday, “you’re getting older, you should really start slowing down.” What! Wait…. Screeching nails on the chalkboard! This is where the story changes….
What if growing older is really in our minds?
One of my favorite quotes is by George Bernard Shaw, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” EXACTLY! This is the mindset shift that I live by. Thanks Mr. Shaw! So how do we stay in the game?
Some of my most exciting goals have been set and accomplished in my forties! International travel, earning my IFBB Pro Card, competing at the Olympia and truly understanding the direction and focus of my fitness business are just a few. Had I settled for “slowing down”, I wouldn’t have taken action on any of my most meaningful personal and business goals. I think the keyword is ACTION. Is it risky? Sure it is! But, standing still and hesitating to take the leap can leave us with a lifetime of unresolved “what-if’s”.
The reality of our physical bodies aging is inevitable. We’ve begun wearing the “tread on our tires” so to speak, so we must reconsider how we treat our bodies in pursuit of our goals. Recovery, sleep, and healthy eating have become more of a necessity than a luxury for me. I want to train my body at a high level for many years to come. I enjoy it and it’s an important part of my life. To improve longevity, I use a variety of training techniques and nutrition strategies to maximize my time in the gym without wrecking my health and joints. Find new ways to challenge your body and keep it interesting!
Feeding my mind with positive messages, time in prayer, and surrounding myself with positive people has helped me have more enthusiasm for life and the optimism in setting new goals. I can honestly say my mind and my thoughts are more youthful than they were ten years ago. Recently, travel has become a new passion of mine that has taught me the importance of unplugging to recharge. Life certainly hasn’t spared me from curveballs and stressors, but keeping my focus and actions in the direction of things I enjoy most, create excitement in new adventures in the future!
Here’s to many more years of playing and growing younger!
Each of the programs I create for my clients is designed with his/her specific goals and lifestyle in mind. I take a personal approach to help clients set new goals and create effective strategies for achieving them. For more information, contact me through my personal training page.