
Stand out

Stand out
Competition season is upon us and progress photos are starting to flood our newsfeed.  It’s easy to get distracted and start to doubt our progress when we see others making faster progress or sharing their insane fasted cardio updates.  Whether you’re new to the NPC stage or a veteran in the IFBB, the road to stage-ready looks different for everyone.  It’s important to identify your individual style.  What makes you unique and special from head to toe?  Suit style, color, makeup, hair..  all important variables in stage preparation, but don’t forget to show your personality! Craft your posing style to highlight your strengths and mask your weaknesses.   Achieving a flawless physique is in the eye of the beholder and your presentation, NOT the actual absence of flaws.  The work may be done in the gym, but how you present your physique is what can set you apart.  If you haven’t practiced your posing, it will show.  Take the time, even if it’s 15 minute a day, to practice your posing and how you will transition between poses.  Smile!  You’ve dieted and trained for months if not years, so celebrate the moment!  If you are having fun on and off the stage, it makes the journey one of the most rewarding times of your life!